Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sleep Study Consultation

Callie has recently started crying out in her sleep.  Its not your typical, "Hey, I'm awake" cry, its more of a distressed cry.  When I check on her, she is sound asleep.  When I mentioned this to neurology, they told me that it is possible that Callie could be having seizures in her sleep.  What I am describing is very typical of these situations.  I had no clue.

This prompted neurology to suggest an appointment with a sleep clinic specialist.

We saw her last Thursday.  She agreed it could be seizures, but also decided that we could try a bit of melatonin to see if this is more of a parasomina awakening.  We have the all clear to start a half dose as soon as the PET scan is done is upcoming Friday.

Unfortunately, the sleep clinic sees many patients, and so our soonest sleep study appointment is going to be on Feburary 8th.  That seems SO far away. 

Until then, we really aren't able to do much, and hope that the PET scan will show more detail as to whats going on inside Callie's brain.

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